Puzzled is a calming puzzle game by Resonance Games that uses beautiful photographs to visually challenge gamers’ spatial abilities.
Puzzled isn’t your typical game. It isn’t a game that you would expect to see on Steam, nor is it a game that you’d expect to see sitting on a shelf at your local game store. It’s just not that kind of game. Most games you see released today try to lure gamers in with intense action sequences, explosions, and of course, multiplayer fragfests. Puzzled doesn’t have any of that. So if you’re looking for a first-person shooter with zombies and multiplayer where you can no-scope headshot from across the map, calm yourself down and keep reading. You’ll appreciate this game.
Puzzled is an experience that can best be described as calming. Its minimalist interface works perfectly as you solve photographic puzzles in the most traditional sense. By moving, flipping, and rotating the many sections of the photograph around, you eventually bring it back to its former glory. The visual splendor of the game works hand-in-hand with the music to create a soothing atmosphere that is simply a great change of pace from 99.9% of games on the market right now. Moreover, the game’s photographic puzzles range from relatively easy to downright hard, eventually incorporating double-sided images to further challange puzzle lovers. While the game’s photoset is beautiful, you’ll also be able to import your own pictures into the game as the basis of additional puzzles. Puzzled would be a great addition for anyone planning on utilizing Steam’s Big Picture functionality in the living room, especially when children are present or company is over and you’re looking to relax on the couch.
- Double-sided puzzles for an extra twist
- Smooth and calm atmosphere
- Puzzle together more than 100 pictures
- Add your own pictures to play with
- More than 1 hour of relaxing music from talented artists
- In-game music from your Media Player Library
- From easy to challenging difficulty
- So beautiful and polished you won’t believe it’s indie